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Writer's picturessewan

Wednesday in the Word

In my walk with God, I find myself constantly asking, "Why?". Throughout the Bible, there are stories that make me wonder, "Isn't it easier if..." because some things just seem to be ridiculously conveniently inconvenient. For example: God, why would You even put a Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil if you know that the serpent will tempt Eve and make everyone go bye-bye from you and suffer and die? If You love us, why couldn't Jesus have been just born through Adam and Eve so that the world didn't have to be wiped out in a flood (and warfare and etc etc.)? The list goes on. Sometimes it can feel as though things just "happen" in a super round-about way so that God can have a cool story to tell.

Isaiah 13 comes in a particularly trying time, as I find myself asking, "God, is it wrong for me to feel wronged against?" I've been doing the Dear _______ series as a way to write down my innermost, bitter thoughts, and to just be honest with you all about some of things I've been struggling to lay down. As human beings, it's only natural that we begin to feel a sense of self-righteousness, and ask God for justice. We only see what is before us, and forget that God has His eyes set on things beyond our comprehension.

Isaiah 13 is a prophecy of Babylon falling before it becomes the largest empire. As scary as the entire chapter is, it is meant to be encouraging to the people of Israel: God will deliver vengeance against their enemy, in His time, and in His way. There isn't reason to be upset and try to take vengeance for ourselves, because we are so limited. More than that, this chapter on what God's wrath can be allows us to reflect: do our hearts really want God's wrath against our "enemies"? The things said in Isaiah 13 (and 14) are terrifying! In recognizing the severity of God's wrath, we can begin to catch a glimpse of God's mercy for us. As sinners, we are all against God -- we are His enemies. Jesus endured all of God's wrath in our place, so that we can be set free and be guiltless and sinless in our time of judgement. Aren't we called to extend that same grace to our "enemies"? Or are we to take the grace and mercy given to us and take it for ourselves?

I know that I for one am such a jealous person, and I let bitterness take to my heart very easily. As someone with cutting words at the slightest bit of frustration, I know that I need to be so much more gracious and kind.

How has God been showing you more of Him and His heart for those around you? :) Just something to marinate your heart with~

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